Books on Diaspora Missiology2024-09-19T11:47:54+00:00
Volume 1: Journeys of Asian Diaspora

By |May 6, 2022|Categories: Asian Diaspora Christianity, Books, Resources|

Mapping Originations and Destinations Sam George (author) Asians make up the largest and most dispersed people of the world, and Christians make up a sizable proportion of this demographic. Asian Christians are more likely to emigrate, and many have [...]

Volume 2: Interconnections of Asian Diaspora

By |May 6, 2022|Categories: Asian Diaspora Christianity, Books, Resources|

Mapping the Linkages and Discontinuities Sam George (author) Asians make up the largest and most dispersed peoples of the world, and Christians make up a sizable proportion of this demographic. Asian Christians are more likely to emigrate, and many [...]

Volume 3: Reflections of Asian Diaspora

By |May 6, 2022|Categories: Asian Diaspora Christianity, Books, Resources|

Mapping Theologies and Ministries Sam George (author) RELEASE DATE: August 30, 2022 Asians make up the largest and most dispersed peoples of the world, and Christians constitute a sizable proportion of this population. Asian Christians are likely to emigrate, [...]

Desi Diaspora – Ministry Among Scattered Global Indian Christians

By |May 5, 2020|Categories: Books, Resources|

Ministry Among Scattered Global Indian Christians Sam George and Others (Author), Sam George (Editor) Product details Paperback Publisher: SAIACS Press (May 15, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 9386549204 ISBN-13: 978-9386549204 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.5 inches LINK:

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