A Hybrid World
Diaspora, Hybridity, and Missio Dei Sadiri Joy Tira and Juliet Lee Uytanlet, editors AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDERS! RELEASE DATE: MAY 15, 2020 Linking . . . Blending . . . Intermixing with Divine Purpose People are on the move. As [...]
Borderless Prayer: A New Guide for Praying for Diasporas
Just released from Renew & Reveal Publications and new author, Katherine Lorance, Borderless Prayer is a powerful 28-day prayer guide that will help individuals, small groups, teams and churches to observe a transformative season of prayer for the people on the [...]
Malayali Diaspora: From Kerala to the Ends of the World
Publisher’s Description: Malayalis are everywhere! Malayalam can be heard on the streets of Abu Dhabi, Frankfurt, Houston, Singapore and Nairobi. Onam is celebrated in many lands and Malayalam liturgies are chanted every Sunday in churches in every continent. Families keep [...]
Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology
Five years in the making and now hot off the presses, Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology is now available worldwide from Regnum Books and the Global Diapora Network. Senior editors Sadiri Joy Tira and Tetsunao Yamamori led [...]
Diaspora Missiology
One of the earlier attempts at a comprehensive treatment of diaspora missiology, this 2012 book is edited by Enoch Wan. Order Onliner: http://www.amazon.com/Diaspora-Missiology-Theory-Methodology-Practice/dp/1468117459 Publisher Description: The movement of people spatially at an unprecedented scale is a special social phenomenon of the [...]
Strangers Next Door
J.D. Payne’s 2012 book is very useful for North American churches trying to get a handle on what God is doing in bringing people from every nation to the cities of the US and Canada. Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Strangers-Next-Door-Immigration-Migration/dp/0830857583 Publisher Description: [...]