Volume 1: Journeys of Asian Diaspora
Mapping Originations and Destinations Sam George (author) Asians make [...]
Mapping Originations and Destinations Sam George (author) Asians make [...]
Mapping the Linkages and Discontinuities Sam George (author) Asians [...]
Mapping Theologies and Ministries Sam George (author) RELEASE DATE: [...]
Global Scattering and Gathering of South Asian Christians Sam [...]
Ministry Among Scattered Global Indian Christians Sam George and [...]
Missions amid the Greatest Humanitarian Crisis of the World [...]
Diaspora, Hybridity, and Missio Dei Sadiri Joy Tira and [...]
Just released from Renew & Reveal Publications and new [...]
Publisher’s Description: Malayalis are everywhere! Malayalam can be heard on [...]
Five years in the making and now hot off [...]