The Lausanne Movement convened the first ever global consultation on Sikhism, October 22-25, 2019 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Over 60 ministry leaders and practitioners specially invited from 10 countries gathered for the Global Sikh Consultation (GSC) to discuss the need and opportunity to present the Gospel to 27 million Sikhs in Punjab, India and around the world. The objectives of GSC were to share research, share resources, intercede and mobilize the Global Church to engage the followers of Sikhism – the fifth largest organized religion in the world.

The participants of GSC issued THE EDMONTON APPEAL (see attached) summoning the Global Church for prayerful action. The consultation ended with the formation of an eight-member global Lausanne Sikhism Working Group (LSWG) under the Lausanne Global Diaspora Network (GDN). Rev. Joel David serves as LSWG’s Coordinator.

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Over sixty Kingdom ministry leaders and reflective practitioners from ten nations, gathered at the Lausanne GLOBAL
SIKH CONSULTATION in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on October 22-25, 2019, issue this urgent appeal to the Global

We Acknowledge

  1. That Sikhism is the fifth largest organized religion in the world but the Global Church is largely ignorant of its beliefs, culture, and practices.
  2. The Global Church has not made reaching the Sikhs with the Good News of Jesus a priority.
  3. That God’s loving purpose is to see all people including Sikhs experience salvation in Christ and be part of God’s forever family.
  4. That the Church is God’s agent to fulfill the redemptive plan for Kingdom advance.
  5. That the Holy Spirit is alive and active today in drawing all sinners to Jesus.
  6. That God sovereignly performs miracles, healings, and deliverances to demonstrate His Kingdom’s rule and power.

We Believe

  1. That there is only one true and living God, the Almighty Creator and Sustainer of all things existing eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – full of love and glory.
  2. That all humans are made in the image of God but have been marred by sin since the Fall.
  3. That the living God has revealed Himself through the trustworthy Biblical Scriptures and has fully and finally revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, the Son of God when the Word became flesh. Hence, Jesus was fully God and fully man.
  4. That through the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross, He took upon Himself God’s judgment due to all sinners by dying in their place and making the way for us to be saved.
  5. That the gift of personal salvation and the experience of complete forgiveness of sin are only available by God’s grace in Christ through personal repentance of sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. That spiritual life in Christ, of holiness and joyful service, is nurtured by the Word of God and empowered by the indwelling presence and transforming the power of the Holy Spirit.
  7. That calling of service to others is important but it flows out of one’s relationship in Christ and one’s love for fellow humans.
  8. That fellowship with other followers of Jesus is essential for spiritual growth and balance.

We Appeal

  1. That the Global Church seize the opportunities of evangelizing and discipling the unreached millions of followers of the Sikh faith everywhere and develop them to be Great Commission disciple-makers.
  2. That the followers of Jesus and congregations will focus and fervently pray for the salvation of all Sikhs.
  3. That relevant demographic research continues to be undertaken to define missiological and evangelistic priorities to reach Sikhs.
  4. That the followers of Jesus be encouraged and equipped to contextually share the Good News of Jesus with Sikhs in word and deed.
  5. That the followers of Jesus will live as authentic witnesses and personally engage with their Sikh contacts and neighbors, and build meaningful relationships with sincere Christ-like love.
  6. That the Good News of Jesus is sensitively communicated in a clear, coherent, consistent, and culturally appropriate manner.
  7. That Sikh Background Believers(SBBs) be developed into Christ-like leaders for the Global Church.
  8. That local churches and ministry agencies will collaborate to develop resources, strategize effective approaches to reach Sikhs with the Good News of Jesus and plant contextual churches.
  9. That those engaged in evangelizing and discipling Sikhs need prayer, patience, and perseverance.